Twelve Skills

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How to Build Strong Work Relationships

How to Build Strong Work Relationships

In Atomic Habits, James Clear writes that behavior change happens when you build on existing habits, make change in small increments so it’s easy to do, leverage a system, and make the behaviors part of your identity. The actions to build strong relationships with work colleagues are habits. Here are ways you can build your relationship-building habits at work.  

Build on existing habits

  • Make a meaningful connection. You’re already meeting with someone, so take advantage of that time together to spend a few minutes learning about the other person. No extra time needed; shift your attention and intention to connect. By showing sincere interest, they’ll remember how you made them feel in a positive light.


Make change in small increments

  • Ask how you can help them. This flips the interaction from what you want to how you can be a resource for them. They’ll appreciate the gesture, you get to learn something about what’s on their mind, and it opens opportunities to follow up. 

  • Send a quick follow up note, with appreciation for their time and a reflection or resource related to your conversation. It shows you heard them. 

Create a system for staying connected

  • Track the date of your last meeting and put a reminder on your calendar to follow up. Take notes in a way you can easily access, so that when it’s time to follow up you can quickly refresh on what you talked about and continue the conversation. 

  • Schedule time. Pat Romboletti, author of Bulletproof Your Career, recommends dedicating one hour every Friday morning to sending updates and reconnect notes to your network. 

Make relationship-building part of your identity

  • Relationship building is about providing value and expecting nothing immediate in return. It becomes who you are when you are excited to share updates about a project a colleague is working on, trends in their industry, or connected to something their favorite hobby. Building relationships this way, you are:

    • A connector

    • A trusted partner

    • Someone who cares about other people, and 

    • The person they’ll go to for insights on their challenges. 

What is one action you will take today to foster your relationship-building habits?

To learn more about effective relationship building, check out the Twelve Skills brief Expanding Relationship Building

Serious about improving your skills? Get the companion guide to the Twelve Skills book the Twelve Skills Expanding Relationship Building Workbook. It will help you put these ideas into practice and boost your relationships. And best of all, IT’S FREE! 

Get your own complimentary copy here.