Four Steps to Thinking More Strategically

Senior leaders often wish their managers were more strategic. But it’s hard to think big thoughts when you have operational alligators snapping at your feet every day. Assuming you can shake them loose, the key question then is, “How do I get started?” Here’s a four-step process you can follow to get going.

  1. Gather: Start by collecting and reviewing strategic information pertinent to your business: analyst reports—what the experts are thinking, shareholder reports—what your leaders are saying, articles written about your organization and your competitors—what the observers are seeing. Data like annual reports, employee surveys, customer information, are all great sources most managers have access to. Start there.

  2. Analyze: Next, review this information in depth—that’s what analysis is. Make notes, create summaries—use a tool like a mind map to structure your thoughts. It’s not enough just to explore collected information, you need to structure it to identify trends, patterns, exceptions, major shifts, any insight that might stimulate your thinking about the future.

  3. Project: Then, shift from analysis to creativity. Send your mind into the future by imagining what a future or futures plural could potentially look like. Envision a world where technology plays an even greater role than it does now, where work is vastly different, where existing energy sources yield to new ones, where no language or travel barriers exist, and collaboration is truly global. Picture different scenarios and how they might affect your organization. Shell is a company renowned for their multidecade scenarios—watch how they do it here—Shell Scenarios

  4. Strategize: Finally, consider what actions you would take right now if you were a senior leader preparing for the future you see. Identify what would need to change today to be ready. Think about your products, services, workforce, investments, policies, competitors, stakeholders—any facet of organization life that would need to adapt to prepare for the eventualities of a new frontier.

Does this sound like something you can’t fit into your daily schedule? Good, don’t try. Set aside a time and place for this kind of reflection. Make it a habit and you will benefit from it. Imagine the value when a group of managers do it regularly—or an executive team.

If you’d like to learn more about strategic thinking, check out the Twelve Skills brief Mastering Strategic Thinking as well as all of the other Twelve Skills topics.

Serious about following the process highlighted in this post? Get the companion guide to the Twelve Skills book the Twelve Skills Strategic Thinking Workbook to get started now. Each activity follows the steps to help you boost your strategic thinking skills. Best of all, IT’S FREE! 

Get your own complimentary copy here.

Terry Pappy

Business Development Coach and Creative Marketer

Starting Point for Strategic Thinking: A Good Question


What the Best Strategic Thinkers Do